One of my interest at computer technology is microprocessor development. This is also my practicum subject at University of Indonesia. As an assistant at the Lab, I must improve my knowledge about microprocessor especially Intel, Zilog, and Motorola.
Basically every microprocessor has a sub-processor like ALU (Arithmetic Logic Units), control unit, registers, and this sub-processor become more and more as this technology always improves time by time. Registers is a part that the data will be proceed, this part also known as an internal memory of microprocessor. At Intel microprocessor there is 4 kind of this registers; one is general purpose registers, stack registers, flag registers, and index registers. All of this registers has it's own specific function.
General purpose registers is some registers for general use. This register usually has it's own function such as AX is a accumulator register, BX is a Base register (used as a base address of a memory), CX is a count register (used as a counter for loop processes), DX is a data register (used as a MSB for multiply and divide processes).
Flag registers is some registers to provide the status of environment that the program executes. this register is not for storing data that will be proceed, but this register contains the status of the CPU real time. Parity, overflow, carry, auxiliary carry, etc is some of this registers
Index registers used to store the address of string data that stored on the memory. SI (Source Index contain the source address of the string data) and DI (Destination Index contain the destination address of the string data) are two kinds of this register.
Stack registers used to store data with LIFO (Last In First Out) algorithm.