Sunday, February 18, 2007

Special for womens....

To get beautiful lip, say kindly to every word.

To get beautiful eye, look for kindliness to every one you meet.

To get beautiful shape of the body, give your food to them which was starvation.

To get beautiful hairs, ask a child to comb it with the finger everyday.

To get beautiful body language, walk with knowledge, and never be alone.

Human beings, is far from all other creation. Need to change, to be innovated, to be re-formed, and to be forgiven. Thus, don’t minimize the people of you heart. If you have ever done it before, remember always. If one time you need help, there will be hand for you. And with your increase of your age, you will progressively thank goodness have given two hands, one to help your own self and the other one to help others.

Women’s beauty is not lays to their clothes, not to theirs body shape, or the way she comb the hairs. Women’s beauty are on their eyes, how she look at the world. Because at their eyes are laid gates to everyone’s heart, where love can expand.

Women’s beauty is not at the softness of the face. But lays on the pure beauty that shines at her soul which give love and attention. And that beauty will grow all the time.

For choco lovers.....

An investigation is under way after Cadbury withdrew a million chocolate bars which may have been contaminated with a rare strain of salmonella.

The company says the recall - while the Food Standards Agency and the Health Protection Agency investigate - is precautionary and that the risk is low. But a bacteriologist says there is no safe level for salmonella in chocolate.The possible contamination has been traced to a leaking pipe at a Cadbury's plant in Herefordshire in January. Samples were sent to an independent laboratory after the leak was discovered at the Marlbrook plant, and the montevideo strain of salmonella was identified. Government watchdog the Health Protection Agency (HPA) confirmed the strain and, a week ago, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) was alerted.

On Monday, Cadbury officially informed the FSA of the possible contamination of the seven products. The 250g Dairy Milk Turkish, Dairy Milk Caramel and Dairy Milk Mint bars, the Dairy Milk 8 chunk and the 1kg Dairy Milk bar are among products affected. The 105g Dairy Milk Buttons Easter Egg and the Freddo bar were also affected.

'Precautionary measure'

Cadbury's European president Matthew Shattock told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the recall decision was made after the FSA revealed there had been an increase in the number of salmonella cases this year. "We decided to conduct a precautionary recall to reassure our consumers and the public at large to minimise any confusion as to the quality of our products," he said. Salmonella is a common cause of food poisoning but the montevideo strain is very rare. There have been 45 cases in the UK in the last four months, compared with just 12 in the same period last year. But a Health Protection Agency spokeswoman stressed that at the moment there was no evidence for a link between the increase in cases and the Cadbury recall.

Mr Shattock said the firm was "absolutely satisfied" its products were safe to eat. "We identified a problem early. We corrected it and fixed it," he said. Cadbury said the levels of contamination were "significantly below the standard that would be any health problem". It said people who had eaten one of the affected bars should not be worried about the risks but could contact the company for a refund. However, bacteriologist Professor Hugh Pennington of Aberdeen University told BBC News that the only safe level of salmonella in chocolate was "zero". "The fat in chocolate actually preserves the salmonella from the normal intestinal defences, so you don't have to eat very many salmonellas to get infected. "It's about a thousand times less than if you're eating it from traditional sources like meats," he said. The factory at Marlbrook generates 97,000 tonnes of milk chocolate crumb every year. It processes 180 million litres of fresh milk, 56,000 tonnes of sugar and 13,000 tonnes of cocoa liquor annually in the production process. The crumb is transported to other sites at Bournville, near Birmingham, and Somerdale, near Bristol, to be blended with cocoa butter and turned into milk chocolate. A Cadbury spokesman said the company had been manufacturing chocolate for more than 100 years and always treated public wellbeing as its "highest priority". The free helpline number for Cadbury is 0800 818181. Uneaten products should be returned to Cadbury Recall, Freepost MID20061, Birmingham B3O 2QZ, and a refund will be given.


Opinion about Israel...

When we hear the word “Israel” which is marrow in our mind is war. It is true that in the few last years Israel do more attract to attack the country which is considered to be the enemy. It’s may infuriated us, or feel very sulk with the treatment of State of Israel to Moslem nations, like President of Iran, Mahmud Ahmadinejad said a comment that the Israel must vanished from the map of world. Later then after some days he expressed Israel as a tumor and has to be removed from Mid-East area.

Maybe Ahmadinejad just dream at the night. Maybe he conceives Israel that expressed the independence at 1948 will disband. Don’t know what make it to. For human being like us, this dream is fair. When a problem very bother someone mind then it will be very possible to make it to the dream. And more than that, very usual for Ahmadinejad which have though years fo anti Israel.

But above the opinion of that, Iran have never owned to have direct confrontation with Israel. During the time that happened is psywar. With Suriah, Teheran more contributing struggle of Hamas in Palestinian and of Hizbullah at Lebanon to break the enemy with give training of weapons and military. Of course destroy State of Israel doesn’t as easy as inverting palm. More than anything else, Arab nations and Moslem cannot to coalesce because of importance of each national under influence of United States, the ally of Israel.

All side must to confess, conceiving Israel lose from earth are day-dream. They are recognized very cunning resilient at the same time. Through movement of Zionism with aim to found State of Israel The Great, Jew nation can found a state which was even confessed by a number of Arab States, including Egypt and Jordania. With the declaration of Balfour in 1917, kibbutz-kibbutz – a community of agriculture of Jew citizen can rapidly grow and a little by little conquer the land of Palestinian nation. For that, Israel is not reluctant to kill civil citizen. They not afraid to battle because they sure region occupied now is promised by God according to in old testament.

For most Moslems, conflict with Israel will long forever. They trust is Israel can be defeated, doom will immediately come. People of Islam trust this matter based on the Al-Quran.

The fact is, Israel very active and mastering the international politics and delude Moslem nations thru the UN (United Nations). During the time, that biggest organization of the world have never can discontinue the Israel impact for Palestinian nation and other Arab nations.

The matter lays in United States as one of the Security Council of UN that always use veto right to every resolution which will harming Israel. Washington will always refuse every resolution which cursing or carping cruelty of military attack of Israel to Palestinian nation. Besides, composition five very inequitable for Moslem community. This fact is very ironic, remember Islam is one of the biggest religion in the world. The Moslem community do not have representatives in security council of UN.

With English, French, and Russia, besides representing religion community of Christian, American present importance Jews. While Chinese represent the religion of Buddha. Despitefully, ad for this nuclear state have veto right, a conductive privilege to refuse resolution which is not agree with the importance of the nations.

That five countries are ascertained the plan to remove veto right. So that the reformation raised by General Secretary, Kofi Annan only limited by adding regular member. If agreed, Indonesia as a biggest Moslem community country in the world have to be selected in membership remain to as Islam faction proxy and India as representative of Hindu people. Of course both this state also have to have veto right.

Strength of Israel also conquer the economic area. They control the transaction traffic for commerce and finance through World Trade Organization (WTO). World Bank, and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Practice of free trade and globalization make all Moslem states whist most is developing country and even poor state progressively depend on the west which is pro-Israel.

Very much of economic aid with loan not helping, it exactly becoming strangle. As a result, they spatially influence policy in and abroad Moslem state, including Indonesia. Thus conceive the destruction of Israel is the same to dream the world peace. For the White House, Israel share to test-drive various recent weapons product of American brand massacre d Palestinian citizen. This is the way of a very good promotion.

This condition will continue to peep out stress in Mid-East area, So Arab nations in this area remain to be grasped by the image of war that anytime can extended. And for that the kings of Arab will shelter to the US. On the contrary, the dominations of Israel trough the medias of the world will have influenced international society opinion. Pass Iraq issue is developing nuclear weapon program, the Israel success insist America which always pretend him as world police, attacking the Iraq until the president Saddam Hussein fall down at April 2003

Though that accusation have never proven. Also the colonization done by 150 thousand of American army with other army from many country have divided the association of Iraq. Now, the country have the conflict among the Syiah and Sunni. Case of the crumple the twin tower of WTC, New York at 11 September 2001 is the other evidence of Israel propaganda. ). For sensible civilian, how can a terrorist crash the plane to the building without detected by American radar.

This event trigger the enragement of President George Bush, that immediately launch the global war to the terrorism. In reality Moslem state and Moslem becoming target. Fear of Islam become more and more among the West society.

Israel succeed to make Islam as the number one enemy of the world after ending the communist era. Of course radical Islam groups will never volunteer and will continue to give resistance. Conflict will still going on along with continuing the strength of influence of Israel.